CARE∞TRACK Video Library
A collection of videos from various meetings and webinars given by CARE∞TRACK members on issues relating to the measurement of unmet care need for older people

Bite sized videos to build your knowledge
Short videos
Presenter: Jean-Frederic Levesque
Patient-centred access to health care: conceptualizing access at the interface of systems and populations
September 2023
6 min 26 sec

Unedited videos of CARETRACK meetings and webinars, as well as important international meetings on UHC
Full length videos
Advancing the global measurement and monitoring of unmet care needs of older people - Stakeholder Webinar
The measurement, understanding and monitoring of unmet need is important to the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals and the WHO global impact framework. As populations age, health needs shift, and the predominant disease burden is increasingly due to chronic diseases and associated disabilities. Many of these chronic diseases, their risks and consequences, are modifiable and their outcomes can be improved through accessing quality health and social care services. But in many countries, health and social needs of older people are not being met for a portion of the population. The gap represented by unmet need raises issues of equity in service coverage and universality of health care. However, current measures of universal health coverage (UHC) do not assess unmet need, nor do they adequately capture services that older persons require, including social care. There is a need for an agreed standard measure of unmet health and social care needs for older people that can be applied across countries to allow ongoing monitoring and to enable improvement in coverage, equity, and quality of care.
This Webinar covers information and discussion on the issues relating to the measurement of unmet care needs in older people.
Professor Paul Dugdale
A/Professor Jean-Frederic Levesque
Susana Harding
Emeritus Professor Julie Byles
Janine L Charnley
August 28th 2023
United Nations High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Cover
High level outcomes/focus
- Draft Political Declaration of the High-level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage approved for submission to the general assembly for consideration and adoption https://www.un.org/pga/77/wp-content/uploads/sites/105/2023/05/UHC-Political-Declaration-2023-Zero-Draft-FINAL.pdf
- Primary health care access and cost.
- Maintaining/growing a quality healthcare workforce.
- Called for spending on achieving UHC to reach at least US$500 billion/year
Older people were not named by higher-level delegates as being a vulnerable population (people living with disabilities, indigenous people, newborns, pregnant women/mothers, children, displaced people/refugees, people living in poverty).
Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Director-General WHO)
Dr Axel van Trotsenburg (Senior Managing Director World Bank)
Honourable Rebecca Akufo-Addo (1st Lady Republic of Ghana)
Representatives from attending countries
September 21st 2023