Educating the Aged Care Workforce

Other Training

While not registered, these organisations offer training in topics related to the aged care sector.

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission: Offers free courses in: Aged Care Quality Standards, Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS), and Clinical governance. This is provided through the Aged Care Learning Information Solution – Alis platform, the Governing for Reform in Aged Care program, and the Volunteers in Aged Care program.

Maggie Beer Foundation: The foundation offers training in food and nutrition.

ELDAC: offers training in palliative care.

Palliative Aged Care Outcomes Program: offers training in palliative care.

Program of Experience in Palliative Approach: offers training in palliative care.

Anglicare: While not specifically for aged care, Anglicare offers courses in suicide prevention that are applicable to all.

Barbara Schmidt & Associate: Provides training in rural and remote aged care management.

OPAN: Provides courses in identifying and responding to elder abuse, advocacy, and diversity, inclusion and intersectionality training.

Dementia Training Australia: Offers training in dementia.

Centre for Dementia Learning: Offers training in dementia.

Phoenix Australia: While not specific to aged care, Phoenix offers courses in trauma-informed care that is applicable across all support workforces.

Migrant and Refugee Partnership: While not specific to aged care, offers diversity, inclusion, and intersectionality training.

MCHRI: While not specific to aged care, offers diversity, inclusion, and intersectionality training.

Queensland Council for LGBTI Health: While not specific to aged care, offers diversity, inclusion, and intersectionality training.

Centre for Cultural Diversity: While not specific to aged care, offers diversity, inclusion, and intersectionality training.

Australian Psychological Society: Provides courses in mental health-related topics specifically for aged care settings, including Applied Mental Health in Residential Aged Care: Practical Program for Clinicians and Supporting the Mental Health of Older People in Residential aged Care: Mental Health Awareness Training.