Consortium for Advancing Research and Evaluation in Tracking Unmet Health & Social Care Needs of Older Populations
Advancing how to measure care unmet need in ways that are useful in terms of information, pragmatic in terms of data collection, robust for comparison across place and time, and relevant to policy, practice and health outcomes
Developed through consultation with experts
A series of consultation meetings, or colloquia, involving relevant experts in the measurement and understanding of unmet health and social care needs of older people were run through the early months of 2023. The colloquia considered unmet health and social care needs, their measurement, data sources, and drivers of unmet need in different contexts. The colloquia also considered knowledge gaps and research priorities. These discussions informed the establishment of this global consortium to advance the measurement, monitoring and understanding of unmet health and social care needs of older people.

Whats happening at a global level
United Nations
Longer lives are one of humanity's greatest achievements. However, we don't just want to add years to our lives. We also want to enjoy good health and well-being in later life. This is healthy ageing.
Today, too many people around the world experience worse health than they should because of unsupportive environments that prevent them from maximising their later years.
The UN Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021–2030) aims to give everyone the opportunity to add life to years, wherever they live.
The Decade is a transformative collaboration of diverse sectors and stakeholders that focuses on changing how we think, feel, and act towards ageing; cultivating age-friendly environments; creating integrated and responsive healthcare systems and services; and ensuring access to long-term care for older people who need it.
A progress report was released in November 2023 to assess the extent of progress made in the first phase of implementation of the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing, from 2021 to mid-2023; present contributions to the Decade being made by stakeholder groups, including Member States, UN agencies, civil society, academia, the private sector, community groups and older people themselves; and inspire and motivate stakeholders to collaborate in their continued efforts to implement the Decade at country level and scale up interventions to ensure healthy ageing.
World Health Organisation
The United Nations (UN) General Assembly declared 2021–2030 the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing and asked WHO to lead the implementation. The UN Decade of Healthy Ageing is a global collaboration bringing together governments, civil society, international agencies, professionals, academia, the media and the private sector for 10 years of concerted, catalytic and collaborative action to foster longer and healthier lives.
The Decade builds on the WHO Global Strategy and Action Plan and the United Nations Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing and supports the realization of the United Nations Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals.
The UN Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021–2030) seeks to reduce health inequities and improve the lives of older people, their families and communities through collective action in four areas: changing how we think, feel and act towards age and ageism; developing communities in ways that foster the abilities of older people; delivering person-centred integrated care and primary health services responsive to older people; and providing older people who need it with access to quality long-term care.
Where can I find CARE∞TRACK?
Come and see us in person at these events……
CARETRACK will be officially launch at the end of 2023. Stay tune for more details!
Members of CARETRACK will be attending the 56th Conference of the Australian Association of Gerontology on the Gold Coast, Australia. 14th-17th November.
The consortia have been invited to attend and present alongside the KCE Belgium on issues relating to unmet health and social care needs of older people.
Members of CARETRACK leadership will be attending the G7 meeting in 2024. Stay tuned for more details!
Members of CARETRACK will be attending and presenting on outcomes of the consortia at the 8th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research to be held in Nagasaki, Japan https://healthsystemsglobal.org/global-symposia/hsr2024/